Breath of Ten Meditation

November 6, 2019

Pranayama Meditation - 11 Minutes

The breath of ten meditation combines a pranayama exercise with mindfulness. During this meditation, there is a chance to harness your inner energy and reach true relaxation. Masters believe that this exercise can help to rid your body of disease and help you to become healthier. The magnetic energy therapy that is prana is a powerful source of vitality and strength. 

During the prana activity, the space between the palms of your hands fills with energy. It is essential not to break the connection between the hands while you are engaging in the meditation. Through smooth and considered movements, the hands can begin to harness the power of the energy and use it for both mental and physical health. The energy force is strong throughout. 

People come to the world of pranayama meditation from their own reasons. Students leave their negativity and doubt at the door when practicing this activity. To reach a high and true meditative state, the secret is to focus the mind on its purpose and never once break from that. Through regular practice, the student can begin to reap the countless benefits and rewards of this particular activity.

Benefits of the Breath of Ten Meditation


Manages disease

Develops intuition

Boosts inner clarity

May help to improve health 

Allows ease of mind 

Helps to balance the chakras

How to Do the Breath of Ten Meditation

When you’re first starting out with the breath of ten meditation, it may take some practice. This is tricky pranayama exercise, and so the more you concentrate and focus, the better.  


  1. Start by sitting in Easy Pose. Make sure that you’re sitting up straight. 
  2. Bend your elbows at your sides so that your hands are in front of you. Hold them paralel palm-to-palm as though you were about to clap. Slowly move your hands toward one another and stop when there is around an eight-inch gap between them. Continually move your hands in and out in this manner. 
  3. Ensure that you are focusing on the energy that you have between your two palms. Center your concentration in that area. 
  4. The timing of your breath coincides with your movements. Breath in through the nose for the first five strokes and complete five clapping motions. Next, you need to exhale through the mouth for five strokes and complete the five clapping motions.
  5. Keep an ongoing rhythm as you move. Continue this meditation for 11 minutes. 
  6. To complete the breath of ten meditation, inhale deeply and hold for 20 counts. As you do so, push your hands against your face. Release. Inhale once more holding your breath for 20 counts and press your hands on your heart center. Release. Inhale a final time, hold for 20 counts, and press your hands on your navel point. Release and relax.

Beginner’s tip: Start by taking 11 minutes to complete this meditation. As you move through your journey, you can increase this period to up to 16 ½ minutes.

Kundalini yoga, gong, and meditation practitioner. Passionate about giving you the tools, inspiration, and information to awaken your feminine creative power and that of the universe.
Amrita Kaur


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