Mahan Giaan Mudra (Meditation)

September 4, 2019


Kundalini yoga mudras are ancient hand positions, which can have an immensely positive effect on your health and well-being. The word “mudra” simply means “gesture” or “seal”. It is the position you make with your hand and fingers that has an impact on your emotion. 

Each mudra allows for positive energy to flow through your body while also helping you to decrease your stress levels, improve concentration, and boost energy. However, if you’re hoping to reap the real rewards of these practices, focusing on specific mudras is the key. 

The Mahan Giaan Mudra is one of the most basic mudras you can learn, and so it’s the ideal place to start. This particular pose encourages the art of thoughtfulness and, it is said, that many feel a saintly sensation after taking part in this relaxing meditation. 

The mudra is used in combination with pranayama – i.e. a state in which you control your breath to make it much deeper and longer than usual. This may take practice at first. Once you have mastered this particular technique, it could be the secret to unlocking your inner sense of calm once and for all.

Benefits of Mahan Giaan Mudra

Lift the human spirit

Lower stress levels

Improve concentration

Boosts confidence

Reduce feelings of fear

Increase flexibility

Enhance energy levels

How to do Mahan Giaan Mudra

At once boosting confidence levels while allowing you to feel calm, the Mahan Giaan Mudra is one of the most effective meditations. The combination of long, deep breaths and the mudra position helps to balance your energies, diminishing feelings of fear and anxiety. This meditation is about the redemption of self and understanding that you already hold great power.


  1. Sit with your legs crossed and your back as straight as possible. Ensure that you feel comfortable and confident in your current position.  
  2. Gently close your eyes. You will need to keep them closed throughout the entirety of this meditation.
  3. Focus your energy and attention on the top of your head. Mental focus is the key to properly executing the Mahan Giaan Mudra. 
  4. Hold the first two fingers (Jupiter and Saturn) of each hand upward. Use your thumbs to hold the other two fingers (Sun and Mercury) down. 
  5. Raise each of your arms and bend your elbows. Your arms should create a right angle with your hands up beside your head at ear level. 
  6. Push your shoulders and elbows back as far as you comfortably can. This should create a small amount of pressure on the spine. 
  7. Inhale deeply, hold, and then exhale. Repeat this breathing rhythm during this form of meditation. 
  8. Continue with the Mahan Giaan Mudra for 11 minutes. Of course, you may need to start with a shorter time period and work your way up.

Beginner’s tip: If you are completely new to mudras, you may find that they take a little practice to perfect. Should you find that you lose concentration, stop for a moment, adjust your mindset and start again. 

See also: Anjali Mudra (Prayer Pose)

Kundalini yoga, gong, and meditation practitioner. Passionate about giving you the tools, inspiration, and information to awaken your feminine creative power and that of the universe.
Amrita Kaur


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