Anjali Mudra (Prayer Pose)

September 4, 2019


The Anjali Mudra should be familiar to most people. Not only is it one of the fundamental poses of Kundalini yoga but it is also used in religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism. Put simply, this position is a prayer pose; you bring together your hands so that the palms touch and your fingers are pointing upward. Seeped in spirituality, the pose is favored by many Kundalini yoga followers.

The word “Anjali” actually comes from the Sanskrit term which means either “to offer” or “salutation”. It is combined with the word “mudra” which means “seal” or “gesture”. These translations provide a beautiful insight into the reason that we use the Anjali Mudra and what it means. When mixed together, the two words mean “salutation seal” in English.

To deeply understand this mudra, you must think of the body as a polarity. One side is positive while the other is negative. In bringing both sides of the body together into the Anjali position, you create a sense of neutrality and, in essence, peace. Within that space, you can create hope and a feeling of understanding of the world around you. The overriding peace allows you to look forward to the future, without fear of negativity. It is an at once calming and spectacular sensation.

The Anjali Mudra pose is also about returning to your heart. You may use it at the start and end of sessions as well as for greeting or saying goodbye to someone. Getting into the habit of returning to that neutral point will help you on your journey toward a higher sense of peace and bliss. 

Benefits of Anjali Mudra

Relaxation and calmness

Allows feelings of gratitude

Neutralizes negativity

Improves energy levels

How to do Anjali Mudra

Since the Anjali Mudra is one of the most common greeting and salutation poses, getting it right is absolutely essential to your spiritual journey. Once you have mastered the technique, you may use it as one of the foundations of your practice.


  1. Start in the Sukhasana (Easy Pose) position with your legs crossed. Your spine should be as straight as possible and your breathing relaxed. 
  2. Bring your neck upward so that it stretches out and then tilt your chin inward toward it. You should make sure you are completely comfortable. 
  3. Bring your hands upward and move them inward. Your palms should be touching one another while your fingers are stretched upward. 
  4. Move your hands to the center of your chest and hold them there. 
  5. You may want to repeat this action a few times to find your center position.

Suggested Meditation

Once you are in position, plant a seed prayer or create your affirmation. You may choose “peace” or “clarity”, both of which align with this mudra. Align your mind, body, and heart while focusing all of your energy on your affirmation. Meditate on that feeling for around 5 minutes. Gently bring your fingertips from your center to your forehead to complete the meditation. Then exhale, release and relax again.

Kundalini yoga, gong, and meditation practitioner. Passionate about giving you the tools, inspiration, and information to awaken your feminine creative power and that of the universe.
Amrita Kaur


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