
Hand Positions

What is a Mudra?

As you start your journey into the realms of Kundalini yoga, you will come across the simplistic yet powerful “mudra”. Seen in both Buddhism and Hinduism, the mudra is a traditional symbol that we make with our hands during the ancient practice. It is one of the central parts of the yoga practice and will aid you in reaching new heights when it comes to meditation and mindfulness. Mastering each mudra is vital to your training.  

Let’s first start by taking a look at the history of the term. The word comes from the old Sanskrit phrase meaning “gesture”, “mark” or “seal”. These definitions should give the student an inclination of what the pose entails. When we undertake a mudra, we make a certain predetermined position with our hands and fingers. These positions allow the vast Kundalini energy to flow through us and encourage different outcomes accordingly.

“The process of growth through Kundalini Yoga is a natural unfolding of your own nature. The blocks to that growth are your attachments to the familiarity of the past, and your fear of the expanded Self. As you practice Kundalini Yoga you will grow. Like a snake, you will need to shed old skins to be more of who you are.”

Yogi Bhajan

Messages to your body & mind

As you move your hands into various mudras, you are able to send a clear message to your body and mind. Each one is created with a deep intention behind it. You might say that learning about different mudras is much like learning a new language. Each new position carries a weight of meaning, just as a word or sentence does. When you have begun to understand the meanings behind each mudra, you can easily communicate with your body and soul simply by moving your hands into a given position. 

The mudra that we choose to use within sessions will entirely depend on the outcome that we are trying to achieve. Understanding the messages that each mudra gives to your inner self will help you determine which you need to use. The more the student learns the hidden language within these movements, the better they can begin to communicate with themselves and their inner spirit. This study ought to be an ongoing lesson when you’re practicing Kundalini yoga as it is a fundamental of the practice.

The Five Elements and symbolism

When we begin to learn the ancient art of the mudra, we must first grasp what each of our digits symbolizes. One of the most common readings of our fingers is that they are symbols for various elements. The five elements that they are thought to represent are Water, Earth, Space, Air, and Fire. When you’re trying to invoke one of these immense powers, you must engage the given finger and use it within your mudra pose. 

The representation within your mudras does not end there. The fingers are also believed to represent other symbols, such as planets, emotions, and more. The thumb is often said to be a sign of the ego, which is why it is so often active during the mudra positions. As the student develops their skill set and learns about the mudra meanings, they are able to control the outcomes. Understanding and accepting the symbols and energy is essential.

Practicing Mudra

The Benefits

Now that you understand the significance of the mudras, you must next learn about their benefits. There is an underlying reason that we practice each of these hand gestures within sessions. As you will soon understand, each of the mudras holds a unique and individual meaning. However, the world of mudras shares a handful of common benefits. Here we shall discover what those benefits are and how they improve our spiritual lives.

1. Send clear messages

Sending messages between the mind, body, and soul, the mudras allow us to communicate our feelings and desires in a clear way. Using the ancient symbols of the digits, we may send out wishes and needs to the universe and our inner selves. In doing so, we gain a level of clarity in our mindsets and learn to understand ourselves in a deeper way than ever before. It is a cleansing and remarkable experience.

2. Enhance relaxation

While hands may seem to serve a purely functional purpose, their power in aiding relaxation is great. As you move your fingers and hands into various poses, you should feel a change within your mind. A sense of calmness and stillness can be achieved by simply holding a specific stance. Through the Kundalini yoga practice, each student learns how they might reach a height of bliss and mindfulness. The mudras are an important part of this process and allow us to focus well.

3. Reach universal force

While each student has pranic energy, the noblest aim that we can have is to reach out to the universal force. Holding our hands in certain mudras allow us to direct our energy out toward the universe with each session. Using the symbolism within each digit, we may also direct messages out to the power and gain insights through this practice. To master this art form is not an easy feat. In time, a student will learn the true pathway here.

4. Improve health and wellness

Kundalini yoga allows us to enhance all areas of our health and wellness. You may gain mindfulness, relieve your inner stresses, and decrease your chances of falling ill. However, with each mudra position, you can also direct the outcome that you desire. For instance, there are specific mudras that help us to increase our lung capacity or ward off sickness. These outcomes are not limited to health benefits. You may also choose to attempt a mudra for fearlessness or increasing stamina. Determining your desire is key.

5. Heal unhealthy emotions

We all live with unhealthy emotions from time to time. When you’re struggling to cope with negative feelings, you may feel as though that there is no way out. The mudra poses allow you a chance to rid yourself of these emotions and take control over the way in which you feel. As we have already covered, practicing the mudra art form means embracing a level of calmness and relaxation. In doing so, the student may also leave any forms of negativity they have encountered or unhealthy emotions far behind them.

6. Take control over the ego

Our ego can drive us forward, but it may also encourage us to make unhealthy decisions and even hurt others. Since the ego is symbolized within the thumb, we can use the mudras to direct it quite easily. With each and every position, we have the opportunity to take control of our egos and allows ourselves to become more gracious with that movement. The student must learn how to focus their Kundalini energy on this desire and take the power away from the ego that usually guides them.

Different Types of Mudras

The various types of mudras each have significant and important meanings within the practice of Kundalini yoga. Learning the intention of each of these positions means that we are able to guide ourselves forward in our journey. While there are many mudras that are now observed within the practice, you first need to know only the most common ones. In this instance, we will look solely at two of the major mudras that you will come across.

“When you walk toward light, you have to forget the darkness. In darkness, you can’t see what you’re doing, and ego is just like darkness. It is a total cloud in which you are very limited, and you won’t make it anywhere. When you are brilliant, you are flexible, smiling and everything is just alright.”

Yogi Bhajan