Long Ek Ong Kars

September 4, 2019

Mantra to raise kundalini energy - 7 minutes

We are living in the era of information, also known as the “Aquarian Age”. The Long Ek Ong Kars mantra (also known as the “Morning Call” or “Adi Shakti Mantra”) is the first mantra of the Aquarian Sadhana, which is a daily spiritual practice that releases the tension of the Aquarian Age

Sadhana = “daily spiritual practice”

The Aquarian Sadhana is a core element of Kundalini Yoga practice. It comprises of a series of spiritual practices usually performed during the “amrit vela”, the period of 2.5 hours before the rising of the sun.

The Aquarian Sadhana is typically divided into four parts: preparation for sadhana, recitation of a poem written by 15th-century sage Guru Nanak, Kundalini Yoga Kriya, and chanting the 7 Aquarian mantras. Here, we explore the first of the Aquarian mantras: Long Ek Ong Kars.

The Long Ek Ong Kars Mantra

This mantra should be practiced daily in the mornings to raise Kundalini energy. Practicing this will help you initiate and experience the Kundalini energy within you.

The chant: Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru

How to pronounce it: “Ek Onnng Kaaar, Sat Naaam S’ree, Wha Hay G’roo”

Translation: One Creator created this creation, Truth is his name. His infinite wisdom is great beyond description.

How to practice the Long Ek One Kars Mantra


  1. Sit in Easy Pose with your spine straight. You may also choose to sit in a chair with your back straight and both feet flat on the floor. 
  2. Use a shawl to cover your back to protect your spine from drafts.
  3. Place your hands in Gyan Mudra or rest them on your lap in Venus lock.
  4. Apply Neck lock. Then, close your eyes.
  5. As you chant each syllable, you may want to focus on each chakra from the first to the eight (this is optional).
  6. Chant in a 2-1/2 breath cycle and try not to let the pitch fall.

Practicing the mantra

  1. Inhale deeply and chant “Ek Ong Kar”.
  • Ek: vibrated briefly and powerfully from the navel center (not shouted).
  • Ong: chanted in the back of the throat, vibrating the upper palette and comes out through the nose. Keep the sound continuous from Ong to Kar.
  • Kar: chant equal time to Ong.

    2.  Inhale deeply. Chant “Sat Nam” until you’re almost out of breath.

  • Sat: chanted briefly and powerfully from the navel center.
  • Nam: vibrate at the heart center.

    3.  When you feel you’re almost out of breath, briefly chant “Siri” (S’ree) with your remaining breath.

    4.  Inhale a short half-breath and chant “Wahe Guru” (Wha Hay G’roo).

  • Wa: say it with a slight aspiration.
  • He: separate syllable from “Wa”, this sound is extremely short.
  • Guru: this sound is part of the previous “He” sound. So when you say it, “hay g’roo” should be run together almost as if they were one syllable.

    5.  Inhale deeply again and repeat the cycle for 7 minutes.

As you build your practice, you may increase the times according to the Kundalini Yoga Meditation Time rules.

To finish the mantra

  1. Take a deep inhale. 
  2. Hold your breath and focus on your Brow Points for 5 seconds. 
  3. Exhale.
Kundalini yoga, gong, and meditation practitioner. Passionate about giving you the tools, inspiration, and information to awaken your feminine creative power and that of the universe.
Amrita Kaur


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