The Kundalini Yoga Mantra for Prosperity

September 17, 2019


The modern world can be a tough place. Should you be struggling in some areas of your life, using the power of specific kundalini yoga mantras could be the answer. Financial woes are hard to overcome, but we must do all we can to attract peace and calm in our lives. We must attract good fortune to us. With that in mind, let’s look at a kundalini yoga mantra for prosperity and how to use it.

The Kundalini Yoga Mantra for Prosperity

“This mantra brings prosperity, happiness, and saves us from calamities. It is a sound current which brings a shield and brings good luck and removes discomfort and disease. It is the key to the doorway of self-elevation.”

One of the most effective kundalini yoga mantras for prosperity is the acclaimed “Har Har Har Har Gobinday”. This is also known as the Guru Gaitri mantra with four hars. The mantra is a powerful one and can help you to overcome fears and negativity in your life. Aside from that, this mantra can be used to elevate the self and draw prosperity to you. 

When repeating the mantra, take the time to truly focus on the words and opening up your soul to what they mean. Using this kundalini yoga mantra for prosperity is all about attracting the right kind of energy toward you. The more concentration you put on this particular mantra, the more you will gain from using it within your practice. Here’s the mantra in Gurmukhi:

Har Har Har Har Gobinday 

Har Har Har Har Mukunday

Har Har Har Har Udaaray

Har Har Har Har Apaaray 

Har Har Har Har Hariang 

Har Har Har Har Kariang 

Har Har Har Har Nir-naamay

Har Har Har Har Akaamay

This kundalini yoga mantra will help you enlist the power of prosperity and unleash it within your life. The mantra is most likely to be used as part of a meditation with the purpose of gaining more. Needless to say, to truly harness this power, you will need to gain a full understanding of the mantra’s translation and what it means in action.

What Does the Mantra Mean?

The “Har Har Har Har Gobinday” mantra is in the Gurmukhi language. The translation can be understood in a multitude of ways, however, each of which is tied distinctly to God. For a brief moment, let’s take a look at the basic meaning of each part of the mantra. 

Har = Infinite Divinity

Gobinday = Sustainer

Mukunday = Liberator

Udaaray = Enlightener

Apaaray = Infinite

Hariang = Destroyer 

Kariang = Creator 

Nir-naamay = Nameless 

Akaamay = Desireless

With each word you chant, you are asking something special of the universe. However, there is another translation of which you should be aware. As you chant the mantra and attempt to hold its power, you should keep the following words in your mind:

God who sustains us

God who liberates us

God who uplifts us

God who is Infinite

God who does everything

God for whom grace is done

God who is nameless and desireless

God who is all by itself

Benefits of the Mantra for Prosperity

As the name suggests, the “Har Har Har Har Gobinday” mantra can be used to bring prosperity to those who chant it. It is also said to bring luck, fortune, happiness, and relieve you of any negativity that you may be facing within your everyday life. It serves us greatly and offers a rich array of benefits. You may use it in combination with a form of meditation or within your general kundalini yoga classes. Practice the mantra regularly to master it.

Kundalini yoga, gong, and meditation practitioner. Passionate about giving you the tools, inspiration, and information to awaken your feminine creative power and that of the universe.
Amrita Kaur


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