Adi Mantra

October 31, 2019


One of the most crucial aspects of a kundalini yoga session, the Adi mantra translates as “I bow to the Creative Wisdom, I bow to the Divine Teacher within”. Yoga teachers choose to open a daily session by having their students repeat this mantra three times. After the chanting is over, the session can begin. The mantra has the unique power to set people on the road to clarity. It is for that reason that masters use it at the start of a class and allow it to be a doorway to the experience.

As a student, you must learn the Adi mantra early in your spiritual and emotional journey. Soon enough, it will become a core part of your practice and an utterance you can use to help you get into the correct mindset for kundalini yoga. For that reason, it is important that you take the time to memorize the mantra by heart so that you might repeat it at a moment’s notice. When you have done so, you will always be prepared for your learning experiences and sessions. While it may take some time and attention to perfect this mantra, doing so will yield a world of remarkable benefits. 

The message that you convey with this mantra is transcendental. With each of the words, you agree to bow to the energy of the universe and also everything that is within you. It is the acceptance of knowledge, power, and energy that is crucial here. When learning the mantra, you must keep these ideas firmly in your mind. Understand the great potential and influence of the universal energy. In doing so, we become humble and ready.

Benefits of the Adi Mantra

Helps you find the divine flow

Allows you to tune in to your energy

Enhances power and resilience

Offers clarity and deeper understanding

Encourages inner peace

Helps with mindfulness and meditation

Relieves stress and mental uncalm

Prevents feelings of fear and anxiety

Empowers you to be stronger

Enhances feelings of love and happiness

Increases self-awareness and knowledge

How to Do the Adi Mantra

Finding the divine flow is your main objective when you repeat this mantra. It is all about tuning into your kundalini yoga energy and using it in your practice. For that reason, you should use the Adi mantra regularly as part of your sessions and even within your personal relaxation time. Usually, you will need to chant the mantra three times to open a yoga experience.


  1. Sit down and prepare yourself for this experience.
  2. Close your eyes and begin to chant “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo”.
  3. Focus on what each part of the mantra means and feel the message you are conveying. 
  4. Continue this mantra three times or for as long as you wish — up to 20 minutes.

Beginner’s tip: The crucial thing here is the meaning of each of the words. For that reason, taking the time to learn and focus on the message is important.

Kundalini yoga, gong, and meditation practitioner. Passionate about giving you the tools, inspiration, and information to awaken your feminine creative power and that of the universe.
Amrita Kaur


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