What Are Moon Centers in Kundalini Yoga?

September 13, 2019

Kundalini Yoga

Starting your yoga journey? The moon centers kundalini yoga uses are at once mystical and intense. Yogi Bhajan taught that a woman is far more intuitive and powerful than a man. To harness these innate abilities, women have to understand each phase. If she does not do so, these skills may have the reverse effect and can even lead to her downfall.

What Are Moon Centers?

The eleven moon centers of the woman have been taught for years now. Each of the kundalini moon phases lasts for two and a half days during the 28-day cycle for a woman. When a specific phase is active, it has an effect on the woman’s emotions and abilities. Learning more about each of these centers may be the greatest gift a woman can give herself.

The Eleven Moon Centers in Kundalini Yoga

The eleven moon centers of the woman have been taught for years now. Each of the kundalini moon phases lasts for two and a half days during the 28-day cycle for a woman. When a specific phase is active, it has an effect on the woman’s emotions and abilities. Learning more about each of these centers may be the greatest gift a woman can give herself.

1. Arcline

Have you heard of the arcline? You will find the arcline center at a woman’s hairline. During the time when this moon center is active, women tend to find that they are close to their inner truth and power. They will feel confident, empowered, and self-assured within this period. A woman should take advantage of these gifts and use them in her everyday life.

2. Thighs

Thighs are one of the most important moon centers kundalini yoga has to offer. When the energy is within these centers, a woman will find herself productive and full of energy. This period is the ideal time to start a new project and work hard. Women have an extremely high level of focus at this point, which must not be overlooked. As this phase comes around, a woman can start something new and will ultimately succeed.

3. Lips

When it comes to moon centers kundalini yoga can often be taken literally. The lips signify speech and talking. If these centers are active, women will be more expressive and communicative than usual. That in itself can lead to both positive and negative outcomes, depending entirely on what is said during the period. For that reason, a woman should choose her words wisely while this phase is ruling over her.

4. Breasts

Intimacy and compassion are at their highest when the breasts are active. During these kundalini moon phases, women should steer clear from making tough choices or doing anything that may be life-changing. Instead, they should spend the time in the company of close companions and the people that they love.

5. Navel Center

Perhaps one of the most famous kundalini moon centers, the navel center is responsible for strength and security. When this particular phase is active, women tend to find that they are more insecure than usual and have a hard time maintaining their confidence. Taking the time to quietly meditate or even simply be alone could help here.

6. Clitoris

Of all the moon centers kundalini yoga has to offer, the clitoris is highly important. When this center is active, a woman will find that she is talkative and highly sociable. It is a smart time to get out there and meet new people. Women should try hard to be as inclusive as possible during these kundalini moon phases as it will serve her well.

7. Vagina

The vagina is another of the kundalini moon centers which makes women feel more sociable than usual. However, this is different from the clitoris as there is also a need for deeper intimacy too. That means that you should meet people in smaller groups and spend time with one or two friends at a time. It is also a great time to relax and take a break.

8. Back of the Neck

During the time when the back of the neck moon center is active women will naturally feel more romantic. It is likely that a woman will be more flirtatious and outgoing during this period. It is also a sensual time in which you may find that new love blossoms more quickly and easily than it otherwise would. It is not the time to make important choices and decisions.

9. Eyebrows

As the most sensitive part of the body, the eyebrows also make for powerful kundalini moon centers. When these areas are active, a woman will find herself more creative and imaginative than she usually is. During this part of the cycle, a woman may want to take the chance to create something new. For example, she may write a poem or paint a picture. It could also be a time for a woman to plan a new business or project.

10. Cheeks

Controlling the inner emotions, the cheeks are some of the most unpredictable moon centers kundalini yoga has to offer. When these phases are active, a woman will find that she is more emotional and erratic than usual. It’s important that women recognize this phase and avoid getting into arguments with the people that they love the most.

11. Ear lobes

When the ear lobes are active, a woman will feel inquisitive and analytical. This period may be a smart time in which to discuss important issues or make decisions that will affect many different things. A woman is at her wisest when these kundalini moon centers are running the show, which is why she should use that power to correct any issues in her life.

How to Chart Your Moon Centers

The moon centers kundalini yoga teaches each have a predetermined set of emotions. For that reason, charting these phases can be quite simple. A woman should meditate regularly and follow the teachings of yoga. She should also pay attention to her mood. 

Journaling on a daily basis often helps women to understand their moon phases as they pass. Should a woman struggle with this act, it is worth communicating with a close friend and sharing experiences there. While every person is innately different, the same moods and effects may present during the cycle. Chart these movements to understand where you are.

Kundalini yoga, gong, and meditation practitioner. Passionate about giving you the tools, inspiration, and information to awaken your feminine creative power and that of the universe.
Amrita Kaur


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