The Aquarian Age: You’re Living in It, Get to Know It

September 13, 2019

Kundalini Yoga

Times are changing. The Aquarian Age has begun, but are you ready for what it has to bring? If you’ve never heard of this period, you’ve come to the right place. You should understand the transition that you’re going through.

While you may not realize it now, the shift will have a great impact on your everyday life. Thankfully, within this guide, we have all the answers you could need. Let’s take a look at when the age started, how it will affect you, and what you should do to adapt.

When did the Aquarian Age Begin?

First of all, let’s take a moment to talk about how we moved into the Aquarian Age and what that signifies to us. You may have heard about this period before now — most likely through pop culture references — but understanding when it started is vital. The transitional period has been going on over the last 50 years and has now finished completely. 

There is some disagreement about when the age started between people. Most practitioners believe that the official Aquarian Age started on November 11, 2011. However, there are some who argue that this date was over a year later on December 21, 2012. Regardless of this matter, before the significant date, we were still in the Piscean Age, which would have lasted around 2,000 years. 

As these ages move in cycles, the Aquarian Age will now last for approximately another 2,000 years. The cycle is broken into twelve parts, with each of these periods taking on the name of an astrological sign. It is believed that we have already had the Age of Aries and the Age of Pieces over the course of the earth. As time moves forward, though, we move into a new and unknown age — one which could have great power over many of us.

How does the Aquarian Age Affect You?

You may think that the Aquarian Age has nothing to do with you on an individual level. Nothing could be further from the truth. According to the teachings of kundalini yoga, these periodical shifts will have an astounding effect on every single person in the world. That means that you should take note of how the change may impact your everyday life and what you can expect from the coming period.

Information is key

One of the main foundations of the Aquarian Age is information. We are now living in a period in which information is readily available. As you may already understand, information translates directly into power. There are no longer any secrets and everyone in the world is able to gain insights as they wish to do so. Each individual has control and can find out anything that they need at the touch of a button. This change is one that has transformed the very way in which we lead our lives and the experiences we share.

We must accept ourselves

Another undeniable theme here is self-acceptance. During the former Age of Pisces, the main focus was on determining who and what the individual is. However, that period is over. Accepting whoever you may be as a full and complete person will be a central focus of this age. You have a responsibility to yourself to ensure that you are the driving force when it comes to your life’s purpose and destiny. This radical change is one that should never be ignored. It has become crucial that we learn to love ourselves.

Freedom is everything

Finally, the Aquarian Age is all about freedom. Over the course of the last 50 years, we have seen many societal changes and liberations. Humanity is shifting in a truly dramatic way. In some instances, this move is a highly positive one. We are driving forward in many areas. However, you should also expect that it will bring out the worst in others. People may take advantage of this particular change and harness the power for evil. Being aware of the possible flaws of freedom is the only way to move forward.

What Changes Should You Make?

Now that we are within the period of the Aquarian Age, you may find that it is valuable to make certain changes. Adapting to the period will allow you to move forward with it rather than feeling overwhelmed or stressed about what it may mean for you. Should you feel that a shift will help, here are some of the things that you might want to do.

Avoid negativity and darkness

As we have covered here, some people will harness this newfound freedom and use it in a negative manner. Your must avoid this toxic form of negativity, at all costs. During the Aquarian Age, you should be the opposite force in the universe. Try to steer clear of people who are manipulative or dark in their motives. Doing so will allow you to stay light and true to yourself as you lead a life of righteousness and grace.

Maintain your yoga practice

As a kundalini yoga student, you already have the tools to adapt to this changing period. Understand that your daily practice is central to weathering the storm. Ensure that you never stray from your sessions and keep them on a regular basis. You should set aside a period on a daily basis to give yourself the space and time to be alone and meditate.

Let your light shine bright

You should be a source of light in the world. Throughout the Aquarian Age, you should make sure that you are a light being and one who is positive. Ensuring that you have that power and use it correctly is essential to your daily life. You have a duty to ensure that you are a beacon of light throughout your life. When you learn to do that, you will be able to guide yourself through any period — no matter what comes your way.

Kundalini yoga, gong, and meditation practitioner. Passionate about giving you the tools, inspiration, and information to awaken your feminine creative power and that of the universe.
Amrita Kaur


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