Venus Kriyas Kundalini Yoga: What Are They And How To Practice Them

September 13, 2019


As you begin your journey into the world of Kundalini yoga, you will identify a wide variety of kriyas and use them. A Kundalini yoga kriya is a completed action within this practice. Each one that you complete has a predetermined outcome and can yield you a whole range of benefits. So what are venus kriyas in Kundalini yoga and how can you use them? If you would like to learn more about these movements, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s what you need to know and how you can get started with these essential kriyas.

What Are Venus Kriyas in Kundalini Yoga?

Put simply, venus kriyas in Kundalini yoga are actions done in pairs. Usually, a man and a woman complete these kriyas. However, at times, you may find that two people of the same gender enact the kriya. It is crucial to understand that the venus kriyas in Kundalini yoga are of a high level. 

Two Kundalini yoga students will choose to embark on a course of venus kriyas over a specific period. The pair could enact the kriyas for 40, 90, or 120 days in a row. The central aim of Kundalini yoga venus kriyas is for the couple to enhance their relationship and gain a deeper understanding of one another. There are many varieties, including the Kundalini yoga kriya for healing, from which the pair can choose.

When we practice these kriyas in couples, we take a moment to be still, quiet, and meditative. These qualities serve to rid us of our overriding ego so that we can be neutral with each other for a short period. Any disputes or problems that the pair may be having within their external relationship will fade during this period, allowing calm and serenity.

You should avoid these kriyas taking on any element of the sexual or sensual energy between the two of you. The aim is not to seduce your partner through your practice. Instead, you are creating a forceful connection between the two of you, in the silence that you hold there with each venus kriya. Through the practice, you can elevate your relationship while also strengthening the bond the two of you have built over time.

How to Practice Venus Kriyas

Before you and your partner begin, it’s vital that you tune into the Adi Mantra or Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo mantra. When the two of you have tuned into that yogic power, you may begin to enact the venus kriya of your choosing. As a rule, you should not practice these types of kriyas for more than 3 minutes at a time as they can be intense and highly emotive.

How to Prepare for Venus Kriyas

Before you start each venus kriya session, you must prepare with your partner. For that reason, there are a few small steps you should take to tune in and ready yourselves for what is about to take place.

  1. Begin by facing your partner and putting your hands in the prayer mudra. Chant “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo” three times. 
  2. Next, repeat “Aad Guray Namay, Jugat Guray Namay, Sat Guray Namay, Siri Guru Devay Namay” three times. 
  3. Bow to one another. This is a recognition of the inner godliness of your partner and a sign that you respect their being. 
  4. Look into each other’s eyes and think: “I am nothing, you are great”. The statement helps you open your heart to your partner and eliminates the ego.

4 Kundalini Yoga Venus Kriyas

1. Shoulder Stand Venus Kriya

  1. On a mat, get into the Shoulder Stand position. You should have a gap between you and your partner. Place the soles of your feet together. 
  2. Use the third-eye point to meditate for a three-minute period. 
  3. Come back down into the Easy Pose. 
  4. Draw your arms upward into a stretch and move from side to side. 
  5. Look your partner in the eyes and say, “Thank you. Sat Nam”. Finish by bowing.

2. Pushing Palms

  1. Sit opposite your partner and place your hands together. Your palms should be touching as should your knees. 
  2. Start by alternating and repeating the mantra Gobinday Mukanday, “Gobinday, Mukanday, Udaray, Aparay, Hariang, Kariang, Nirnamay, Akamay” mantra. The female should say one word followed by the male and so on. 
  3. With each word that you say, push your partner’s hand backward. They should do the same to you so that you are alternating arms. 
  4. Continue for three minutes then stretch upward and twist. Look into your partner’s eyes and say “Thank you. Sat Nam”. Finish by bowing.

3. Touching Fingertips

  1. Start by getting into Rock Pose with your heels beneath you as you sit. You and your partner should be facing one another. 
  2. You should be so close that your knees are touching.
  3. Touch your fingertips to those of your partner while looking directly into their eyes. Try to convey your feelings of love, respect, and honor to your partner as you stare at them. 
  4. Stay in this intimate position for two or three minutes. Then inhale and hold for ten seconds before exhaling. Next, exhale, hold for ten seconds, and inhale. 
  5. Finally, stretch upward and twist. Look into your partner’s eyes and say, “Thank you. Sat Nam”. Finish by bowing. 

4. Get Rid of Grudges Kriya

  1. Sit back-to-back with your partner and draw your knees up toward your chest. Wrap your arms around them. 
  2. Meditate directing your power to the sun. Meditate directing your power to your heart. Continue to meditate for three minutes. 
  3. Finish by stretching upward and twisting. Then, look into your partner’s eyes and say, “Thank you. Sat Nam” before bowing.
Kundalini yoga, gong, and meditation practitioner. Passionate about giving you the tools, inspiration, and information to awaken your feminine creative power and that of the universe.
Amrita Kaur


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