Maha Shakti Kriya

September 4, 2019

Kriya for the Navel Centre - Manipura

Maha = greatest. Shakti = energy.

In his Kundalini yoga teachings, Yogi Bhajan teaches that the activation of Kundalini energy starts at the navel center. Your navel center is located approximately two inches below your belly button, and it is connected to your third chakra — the Solar Plexus chakra (or Manipura). It is an important point that was once our very first source of nourishment and energy. Even after the umbilical cord was cut, it still continues to receive energy from the universe.

It is at the navel center where the energies prana (subtle life force energy) and apana (eliminating force of the body) meet, come into balance, and unite, to create heat that allows the Kundalini energy to rise and flow throughout your body. If there are imbalances, you may experience physical symptoms like diabetes, hepatitis, digestive issues, ulcers etc. A weakened third chakra could also result in feelings of anger, fatigue, self-doubt, aggression, and guilt. 

You can learn to regain balance with your breath and visualization techniques. Practicing the Maha Shakti Kriya will help to balance the energies at your navel center and third chakra.

Benefits of Maha Shakti Kriya

Helps digestive issues like constipation or indigestion

Strong sense of empowerment and self-worth

Feel confident and balanced

Improves energy levels

How to do Long Deep Breathing Pranayama

“If you do not know to balance the third chakra, you may have all the degrees, all the knowledge, all the money, all the beauty, but you shall be unhappy.”


  1. Sit on the floor (or yoga mat) with your legs together and stretched out. Make sure your back is straight. 
  2. Inhale and slowly raise both your legs off the ground (about 60°). You can put your hands behind you to support you as you do this.
  3. Then, exhale as you lower your legs back down to the ground. Repeat 10 times.
  4. After the 10th time, raise your legs up and stretch your arms out in front of you. Keep your arms parallel to the ground. Your eyes should be focused on your toes. 
  5. Hold this position with Breath of Fire for 3 minutes.
  6. Then, inhale, hold, and relax your whole body.

See also: Sat Kriya

Kundalini yoga, gong, and meditation practitioner. Passionate about giving you the tools, inspiration, and information to awaken your feminine creative power and that of the universe.
Amrita Kaur


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