The Best Kundalini Yoga Kriya for Healing

September 13, 2019


We all need to heal. As you move forward in your learning, you will find that each kundalini yoga kriya offers a specific purpose and outcome. If you’re hoping to heal and find a sense of fulfillment, the key could be practicing the correct kriya for your needs.

Kundalini Yoga Kriyas And Healing

Kundalini yoga kriyas offer infinite power to students and those who practice it. More than a mere activity, these sequences may allow a person to heal and become one with their consciousness and bodies. This method is all about restoring the natural rhythm of the body so that you may have health and peace within all aspects of your life.

One of the most common misconceptions when it comes to the act of healing is that it is synonymous with that of curing. That is simply not the case. The difference is minute but important. Curing pertains to a specific illness. However, healing has an all-encompassing meaning of making a person whole once more. While this may–in turn–help those suffering from diseases and problems, it is not solely about that act itself.

Kundalini yoga classes each combine a variety of elements, which allow a student to begin the healing process. Meditation and relaxation can calm the mind, offering a sense of stillness and quiet. At the same time, the prana physical movements bring the student energy and revitalize their bodies. It is an intense and strong shift.

When it comes to kundalini yoga kriyas, each sequence has a predetermined outcome. It is this aim that allows us to harness our inner power. Students can choose different kundalini yoga kriyas for healing depending on their needs. While there are many sequences outlined, taking the time to decide which is right for you is essential.

The Best Kundalini Yoga Kriya for Healing

Searching for the best kundalini yoga kriya for healing? The first step here is to awaken your inner healer. It takes time and energy to truly connect with your spiritual self and unclick the power that you already hold within yourself. Specific kriyas can aid you in this voyage and allow you to enhance your energy. Here we will take a brief look at two of the best kundalini yoga kriyas for healing and how they work.

Kriya for Healing the Self

Self-healing is one of the most vital parts of our modern lives. When you’re searching for the best kundalini yoga kriya, you must not overlook this one for healing the self. The kriya combines self-reflection and enlightenment to help a student succeed.


Your eyes should be closed throughout this kundalini yoga kriya. Sit in Easy Pose and cross your arms across your upper body. Each hand should be holding the opposing shoulder. Nirinjan Kaur’s Ang Sang Wahe Guru mantra should be chanted throughout this particular kriya. The time period is 31 minutes.

Kriya for Self Care

This next kundalini yoga kriya for healing will accentuate your levels of self-care. The sequence allows the student to heal the body, energize it, and also boosts confidence. It is one of the greatest ways in which you may heal and move forward.


Your eyes should be closed once again. Start in Easy Pose. Cross your hands right over left, and place them over your Heart Center. Open your mouth and create a circular shape with it. Practice the Cannon Breath of Fire pranayama throughout this kriya. Continue for five minutes. Next, inhale and exhale five times while repeating the mental affirmation, “I am beautiful, I am innocent, I am innocent, I am beautiful.”

Kundalini yoga, gong, and meditation practitioner. Passionate about giving you the tools, inspiration, and information to awaken your feminine creative power and that of the universe.
Amrita Kaur


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