Sound and Healing: The Science Behind Sound Baths

September 17, 2019


As beautiful as it is clarifying, sound therapy is a form of meditation that may help most people. Using ancient instruments, such as a gong, a healing sound bath offers a variety of highly appealing benefits. 

The crux of this therapy rests on the power of vibration and energy frequencies. The underlying notion is that the frequencies within a person can become out of tune over time. Hence, the meditation may help to reattune them. Through a multitude of sound therapy forms, a person has the powerful ability to take charge.   

Sound Bath: The Basics

The use of sound and vibrations within the healing sphere is nothing new. It is a practice that has existed in many eras past. There has also been a wealth of research and studies into the effects of this type of meditation and the way in which it works. 

Before you determine whether sound healing is the right pathway for you, you may wish to learn more about the method. With that in mind, we will here take a look at the ancient meditation form, how it works, and any foundational research that underpins it. First of all, let’s deal with the basics: What is a sound bath and why does it matter? Put simply, this is a healing practice that uses vibrations and sounds to allow a person to enter a meditative state. The practice has been used in a range of countries and cultures around the globe for a matter of centuries. However, it is only recently that we are starting to learn of its power and put it to use in the western world.

How Sound Affects Your Physical, Mental, and Emotional States

The therapeutic effect of music was acknowledged by major cultures from the Ancient Egyptians to Greek physicians. It wasn’t until the 19th century, though, that experts began studying the way in which sound waves and music can affect a person’s physiology. 1

Since then, this type of unique and effective therapy has soared in popularity. People practice this type of meditation for a multitude of reasons including self-care, healing, and more. The idea is that the movements can intercept your brain waves, change the bandwidth of them, and alter your mental and physical state. So, the question is, how does it work and what scientific evidence is there here?

Sound healing rests on one fundamental concept – that each part of the physical world naturally vibrates at its own predetermined frequency. This is known as either vibration frequency or molecular frequency. Humans are no different and equally have a frequency at which they are most at peace and comfortable in themselves.

However, when we face times of distress or negative emotions, you may find that your frequency becomes out of tune. A sound bath could be a viable solution to this problem. The meditative technique uses sounds from instruments to actively change the frequencies of a person’s innermost brain vibrations. This method is intrinsically linked to the brave waves within your mind and varying state of consciousness.

The Five States of Consciousness

Brain waves are electrical pulses which shoot through your brain and may control your emotional state and thoughts. The bandwidth of a brain wave will depend on your current mental state and how actively you are using your mind at that given time. To fully understand how this works, we must look at the five different brain wave bandwidths.

1. Delta Waves (.5 to 3 HZ)

These are ultra slow brain waves which are enacted during times of deep meditation or even dreamless sleep. During this particular state of mind, your body can regenerate and begin to heal itself. It is, therefore, linked with meditation and gong sound bath sessions in general.

2. Theta Waves (3 to 8 HZ)

Theta waves are slightly faster than delta waves. These brain waves most commonly take place during a deeper level of sleep and one in which you are dreaming. The bandwidth is linked with understanding information and learning.

3. Alpha Waves (8 to 12 HZ)

As the name suggests, alpha waves are highly dominant brain waves. While this next bandwidth is still about calmness and relaxation, the thoughts are tangible. They may come as fleeting ideas, imagery, or even fully-formed sentences in your mind. Much of the time, however, you will find these waves run in the back of your consciousness.

4. Beta Waves (12 to 38 HZ)

When you go about your daily business–at work or otherwise–the brain waves that control your actions are the beta waves. These are associated with tasks and decision-making. These waves are likely to be dominant when you are busy and thinking about what to do.  The majority of the time, you should find that these are the types of brain waves which control your actions and help you to function in your everyday life.

5. Gamma Waves (38 to 42 HZ)

The quickest of all the brain waves, gamma waves pass through your mind rapidly. They are linked to acts of altruism and spirituality. For that reason, these may be engaged when you are in a state of higher power or emotional bliss. This state of consciousness is one of the most mysterious. Researchers need to study the area more deeply to fully understand how this state may affect a person and their emotional well-being.

Brain Waves and Your Mental State

Each of these bandwidths represents a state of consciousness in the human mind. Whenever your brain waves change in bandwidth (i.e. when the vibrations change), you will find that a different area of the mind is active. Using sound healing, we may be able to alter the phase of the mind using sounds and vibrations to their most genius effect.

When you choose to undertake meditation and gong sound bath classes, you will have the chance to manipulate the way in which your mind vibrates. This can help you to shift seamlessly from brain wave bandwidth to brain wave bandwidth. As this happens, you will notice remarkable transformations in your mood, mental state, and thought patterns. In essence, this means that you can take real control over your mind.

There is scientific research to suggest that you can change your brain waves and instantly rid yourself of negative emotions. For instance, one study from the Wiley Online Library suggests that sound healing can lower people’s levels of anxiety. 2

That is merely one example of how sound bath sessions and other forms of meditation can help people on a mental and emotional level. Of course, the unspeakable ability to change your mental state unlocks a wealth of benefits and could also help you heal over time.

How Sound Baths Help You Heal

Should you be in need of physical healing, a sound bath may be an option. In the same way that the vibrations may alter your brain waves, they can also encourage your body to heal itself. You may choose to try a sound bath, singing bowls, or alternative types of sound therapy when you need support in this area. Let’s take a look at what the scientific evidence suggests in relation to this form of therapy and healing.

1. May reduce pain levels

In truth, there’s nothing worse than suffering from any form of physical pain. Research published in the Nursing Journal suggests that sound therapy and traditional medical care can help to reduce pain levels. 3 

To strengthen this idea, another enlightening study on this topic was published in the US National Library of Medicine. The research suggests that low-frequency sound vibrations could have a positive effect on those suffering from fibromyalgia, an illness that causes great pain. 4 The participants in the study also reported less pain, improved moods, and more high quality sleep each night.

2. Lower risk of disease

If you want to maintain peak health levels and protect yourself from diseases, making lifestyle changes is the answer. Needless to say, you should eat well and live a balanced lifestyle. But can sound therapy play a role? 

One study published in the US National Library of Medicine suggests that sound therapy (Tibetan singing bowl meditation, specifically) may decrease a person’s tension and lower their overall risk of disease. 5 The researchers noted that this particular form of meditation can also improve wellness.

3. Encourages physical healing

The logic behind sound healing is undeniable. As we have already covered, using sound therapy, you may be able to change the bandwidth of your brain waves. Since the delta waves are the active waves in healing the body, you may find that gong sound bath sessions encourage healing. By changing the brain waves to this bandwidth, some experts believe that the body has a higher chance of healing quickly and seamlessly.

Kundalini yoga, gong, and meditation practitioner. Passionate about giving you the tools, inspiration, and information to awaken your feminine creative power and that of the universe.
Amrita Kaur


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