Maha Bandha

October 30, 2019

Body Lock

Also known as the “Great Lock”, the Maha Bandha is one of the fundamental locks in the practice of Kundalini yoga. It is the culmination of three of the most important locks that students must learn when they first begin their journey. With that in mind, the bandha is used as a general revitalizer. It can help you connect with your kundalini energy on a deeper level and start to harness its power. 

Once you begin to practice Kundalini yoga, you will find that this lock is used at the end of many sessions. There may be different variations of the bandha, using a variety of mudras and gestures. However, despite these minute differences, one thing remains the same. The lock encompasses Root Lock, Diaphragm Lock, and Neck Lock. By enacting the three bandhas simultaneously, we can start to feel some of the great healing effects of the kundalini yoga experience on the whole. 

At the moment that you master this bandha, you can put your body in a place of complete balance. Your energy levels will become neutral and you can start to feel the powerful effects of the lock. Should you find that you are often preoccupied with daily worries, stresses, or troubles, you may see that this lock helps you to unwind. Allowing that moment of calm and clarity means that you get a brief break from the struggles of everyday life. In doing so, you can become relaxed and free.  

Practicing the bandha and adding it to your kundalini yoga repertoire will mean that you are prepared for upcoming sessions. The lock is one of the major elements of the art, and so getting to grips with it will mean that you can utilize its effects with ease as you learn more about the practice.

Benefits of Maha Bandha (Body Lock)

Rejuvenates the body and glands

Helps refresh the mind 

Offers a deeper connection with the universe

Helps to revitalize the chakras

Levels out your blood pressure 

Improves menstrual cramps

Can help with stomach problems

Could support your general wellness

Allows a moment of clarity

Improves mindfulness and meditation

Increases energy levels

May help to lower stress levels

How to Do the Maha Bandha (Body Lock)

Before you begin this bandha, you should take a moment to become calm. Practice the lock often for the best possible results. 


  1. Start by holding your breath inward. 
  2. Next, apply all three of the major locks — Neck, Diaphragm, and Root — at once.
  3. Choose a mudra to enact during your practice. You may find that your teacher advises you on which gestures you will need to use when enacting the bandha. 
  4. Take a moment to be still and keep the lock as tight as you can. 
  5. Hold the bandha until you are commanded to release or until you choose to do so.

Beginner’s tip: Make sure that you practice this particular bandha on an empty stomach. Your mind and body should be clear.

Kundalini yoga, gong, and meditation practitioner. Passionate about giving you the tools, inspiration, and information to awaken your feminine creative power and that of the universe.
Amrita Kaur


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