How Are Your Fingers Connected To The Planets

October 27, 2019

Use crystals and stones to great effect on both a physical and spiritual level. Throughout this beginners’ guide, we will explain the basics of this act along with some tips that will allow you to get started.

Kundalini Yoga

Did you know that each of your fingers is connected to a planet? This notion is a part of the palmistry practice and shows how we can learn about ourselves by looking at our hands. If the idea of that intrigues you, you have come to the right place. This guide will give you a basic understanding of the art and how you can use it. 

What is Palmistry?

Before we take a look at the way in which your fingers are connected to the planets, let’s talk about palmistry in general. This practice puts the focus on the hands and — as the name suggests — the palms. The idea is simple: Your hands are connected to the universe and, as such, can convey meaning to you. Needless to say, there are experts out there who train in this practice and are able to read people’s hands with ease. 

While it takes a long time to fully understand this practice, you may wish to learn some of the basics here and now. The ancient art of palm reading is one that could well take a lifetime to master, and so you cannot expect to be an expert overnight. However, some of the underlying rules, such as the way in which fingers relate to planets, are universal. With that in mind, we will take a look at the facts within this guide.

Fingers and the Planets

The intrinsic link between the cosmos and human experience is one that cannot be overlooked. When you start your spiritual journey, learning of the ties that these two elements have will help you better understand yourself. Believe it or not, each of your fingers has a direct link to the planets and the universe. When you start to understand each of these, you will find that it’s easy to gain meaning from them. Here’s a quick rundown of what each finger means and how it connects to one of the planets. 

The thumb connects to Mars

First of all, let’s start with the thumb. This particular finger is one of the most powerful. It has strong ties to a person’s will power, determination, and how self-reliant they are. It is strong and, in many ways, it can take control of many of the hand’s chores. For that reason, it relates directly to Mars — the lone planet. 

The size and, indeed, the length of the thumb could give you an insight into how powerful a person is. When you are reading someone’s hand, you should take special note of their thumb. Simply put, the larger this particular finger is the more independent they will be. 

The index finger connects to Jupiter

Ruled by the planet Jupiter, the index finger is linked with a thirst for knowledge. In some ways, it is the teacher and the leader of the mind. Just as you use this finger to point out directions, you will find that the finger leads you along new pathways and guides you. 

The index finger plays an important role in a person’s life. The stronger that this finger is, the more likely a person is to wish to learn more. Those who have long index fingers are inclined toward leadership and will allow those around them to become their followers. 

The middle finger connects to Saturn

Think of the middle finger as a wise old man. Just as Saturn is strong and stable, this finger is the one that holds everything together. It conveys a message of intelligence, power, and strength. All of the above means that the finger is the one that is the most reliable and on which experts place great significance in palmistry. 

Usually, the middle finger is slightly longer than those around it. However, if you find that it is strikingly long, that could be a sign of strength in the individual. Those with a taller middle finger are likely to be unshakable. The world and people around them may move and change, but they remain the same in the center of all the chaos.

The ring finger connects to the Sun

As we already know, the Sun takes a ruling position in our galaxy. It is the very thing that allows life to happen and, without it, we would certainly be lost. In the same way, the ring finger is the bringer of new life and love. It signifies passion, romance, and charm. For that reason, many experts believe that this finger can foretell a person’s love life ahead of time.

When the ring finger is long and strong, it means that the individual is a passionate person. They find that they frequently fall in love with those around them and start new romances with people of interest. On the other hand, people with shorter ring fingers may struggle to connect with the people in their immediate social circle. They may find that they have to work harder to create lasting friendships and relationships. 

The little finger connects to Mercury

The smallest finger on the hand is the one that many may overlook. However, doing so would be a grave mistake. Connecting to the planet Mercury, the little finger is linked to communication, business, and a person’s ability to work well with others around them. Those with longer little fingers may find that they flourish in the professional sphere. 

However, people who tend to have shorter little fingers are often perceived as being weaker than others. They may appear to be naive and short-sighted in their career. These underlying traits often lead to them losing out and falling foul to scams and issues. 


While there are no hard and fast rules in the world of palmistry, understanding how fingers connect with the planets is an excellent starting point. Now that you are aware of these meanings and messages, you can use them within your readings. Of course, you will also want to further your learning and delve deeper into this exciting and interesting practice. 

Kundalini yoga, gong, and meditation practitioner. Passionate about giving you the tools, inspiration, and information to awaken your feminine creative power and that of the universe.
Amrita Kaur


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